Friday, July 18, 2008

Game from Katie's Blog

As a comment on this post, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
So let's see what happens here!


Katie said...

When I would use the bathroom at your house, I wouldn't use the hand towels (I'm still not sure if I'm supposed to use those or not) but the fancy "disposable hand towels". You have the magazine container in the bathroom, and I ALWAYS thought that was the trash can, so that's where I would throw out the paper towels. One day you were talking to Josh and I overheard you say something about the garbage in the magazine container. It was totally subtle and I got the message. I now know where the trash can is, and have used that ever since! You were so nice about it though and did your best not to make me feel bad, or be embarrassed. :o)

Leelee said...

You are so sweet. (I don't remember you throwing them in the magazine container!)

Katie said...

Well, this just goes to show how much fun all our friends/family are. ha ha. I've had two memories other than yours on my blog. So here's another one I have:

When I bought my favorite shoes ever (the green slippers with beads on the toes) you told me over and over again how much you liked them, and then you got some like it, and I thought you were so cool because you are a Mom and you were all on top of the trends and everything! (and still are!)

temaire said...

Too many memories to even begin writing! Let me find one....I have so many fun memories of us shopping at Christmas time....I love doing that with all of you. I loved it on my last shopping trip (seeing as how I missed last year's) how you ended up buying a million shoes! It makes me smile just thinking about it!

I just have a million memories of how much you have helped me (and all of your kids) and been there for many things to pick one out! :) Love you!

Anonymous said...

The first time I came over, everyone was there, and you made me and my family feel very comfortable. That is a wonderful memory I will alwyas keep.

Emma said...

Man so many memories! I think you were there the whole time I was growing up. I have many memories of spending time at your house with temaire. But one thing I will always remember of you is your laugh. It was contageous and it seems like you are always laughing! We miss you guys!

Leelee said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciated it so much. Each of you has enriched my life for the better. I love you all. :)

jayci said...

One memory that always sticks out in my mind....I was maybe 17 and having a hard time with friends and school. I really was feeling extremly lonely and I can remember taking it out on you. I'm not sure who's funeral we were coming home from (somewhere south of here) but, the two of us were alone together in the van. I can remember being amazed that you were able to put aside my dispicable behavior. You told me that I could always confide in you. You told me how much you loved me and then you listened to me. Really listened. It was so freeing to be able to unload the pain and hurt I was feeling at the time. What I really remember thinking was "this lady is my best friend." I loved you then and I love you now. Thanks for ALL of the great memories!

Leelee said...

Jayci, you made me cry!! That is the best thing a Mom can hear!! I love you!!