Thursday, February 4, 2010


As I watch my Mom, I am struck with the grace she shows when faced with hard decisions. I am particulary impressed with her calmness in facing death. She told me Monday she doesn't want to die right now (doesn't want to miss anything), but is not afraid to die. She said she is ready and excited to reunite with her Mom and two sisters and meet her father and oldest sister.
My desire for me is to be ready today if it happens to be my time. What a gift it is to have the grace to accept our death whenever it comes and to be ready. Mom has that grace and calmness. As always, she is a great example to me.

Friday, January 22, 2010

God's Blessings

The last 5 months have been filled with 'daily miracles' of which I am so grateful. Mom was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma the first part of August and since then her kidneys have failed causing her to need dialysis 3 times a week and surgery for a fistula to be inserted and then her heart to fail and the need for a pacemaker. She has endured chemo, falls, and maybe the hardest part a separation from my Dad while she has been in a rehab center for 4 months. We almost lost her several time.
I have watched her handle this with grace and dignity.
I have also witness my Dad's strength as he has done everything in his power to make her life comfortable and easier.
If Cliff and I have the great love for each other my Mom and Dad do, I will be happy. God gave me great parents and they are still teaching me every day. I am thankful to them and Him for that blessing.
What a great example they are for their posterity. Their love is truly an inspiration to everyone. :)