Friday, January 22, 2010

God's Blessings

The last 5 months have been filled with 'daily miracles' of which I am so grateful. Mom was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma the first part of August and since then her kidneys have failed causing her to need dialysis 3 times a week and surgery for a fistula to be inserted and then her heart to fail and the need for a pacemaker. She has endured chemo, falls, and maybe the hardest part a separation from my Dad while she has been in a rehab center for 4 months. We almost lost her several time.
I have watched her handle this with grace and dignity.
I have also witness my Dad's strength as he has done everything in his power to make her life comfortable and easier.
If Cliff and I have the great love for each other my Mom and Dad do, I will be happy. God gave me great parents and they are still teaching me every day. I am thankful to them and Him for that blessing.
What a great example they are for their posterity. Their love is truly an inspiration to everyone. :)


temaire said...

Your back! (for the moment) Yay!!! We are all blessed to see the love and devotion that grandma and grandpa both have for each other. They are both amazing. I also think that you are amazing as well. You are such a wonderful daughter to both of them and a terrific mother who is also a great example of how we should take care of our family. So, thank you for that! :)

Leelee said...

You are a sweet daughter! Thank you for your kind words. :)

penb said...

Oh what a beautiful thing to say about your parents. They are amazing! Also having been in your home in my younger days I always admired your relationship with Cliff and wanted to emulate that in my life. Thank you for you wonderful example!!!

Leelee said...

Penny.Thank you so much!! Cliff and I do love each other...39 years and eternity to go. :)

Katie said...

Oh. My. Word. You posted! You have great parents, and so does Josh. As we were visiting yesterday, I thought about how hard you work to take care of everyone in your family. You should be crowned honorary nurse, for all of the times you've helped family members through health-related problems. :)

Leelee said...

Katie, you are a sweetheart!! Thank you so much, and, hey, I like the idea of honorary nurse. ;)

Froggie said...

I couldn't have said it better about mom and dad...I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be for both of them and how well they've done...I'm sure that having you and mike close to them is a tremendous help and I'm grateful that you're there even though I'm not able to be at this time...working on changing that quickly though! Love you!