Friday, January 22, 2010

God's Blessings

The last 5 months have been filled with 'daily miracles' of which I am so grateful. Mom was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma the first part of August and since then her kidneys have failed causing her to need dialysis 3 times a week and surgery for a fistula to be inserted and then her heart to fail and the need for a pacemaker. She has endured chemo, falls, and maybe the hardest part a separation from my Dad while she has been in a rehab center for 4 months. We almost lost her several time.
I have watched her handle this with grace and dignity.
I have also witness my Dad's strength as he has done everything in his power to make her life comfortable and easier.
If Cliff and I have the great love for each other my Mom and Dad do, I will be happy. God gave me great parents and they are still teaching me every day. I am thankful to them and Him for that blessing.
What a great example they are for their posterity. Their love is truly an inspiration to everyone. :)